We appreciate everything our guests have done to support us over the years and now it's our time to give back!
Rapoport's Rewards loyalty program was created with our customers in mind as our way to thank you. We want to reward our guests for their continued loyalty to ALL of our restaurants: Henry's, Bogart's Bar & Grille, Deck 84, Burt & Max's, and E&J's Sandwich Shop!
For every $500 spent at our restaurants, loyalty members will receive a $30 reward that may be used during a future dining experience at any Rapoport's Restaurant Group location.
$1 = 1 point, the more you dine the more you earn!
As an Introductory Offer, receive $30 for every 300 Points until October 31, 2013!
Start earning points today! If you do not have a Rapoport's Rewards card, simply visit any Rapoport's Restaurant Group location and ask your server to get you started.
For every $500 spent at our restaurants, loyalty members will receive a $30 reward that may be used during a future dining experience at any Rapoport's Restaurant Group location.
$1 = 1 point, the more you dine the more you earn!
As an Introductory Offer, receive $30 for every 300 Points until October 31, 2013!
Start earning points today! If you do not have a Rapoport's Rewards card, simply visit any Rapoport's Restaurant Group location and ask your server to get you started.
The Perks
Register your card by logging in below and receive: